Download Goring Kerr DSP 2 manual

Goring Kerr DSP 2 manual
Goring Kerr DSP 2 manual

Looking for the Goring Kerr DSP 2 manual?

To ensure your Goring Kerr DSP2 metal detector is operating at optimal levels it’s critical that you follow the user and installation manual instructions.  All models of the DSP 2 metal detector supplied by Goring Kerr (or Thermo) are covered in this manual.  Everything from proper electrical grounding, mounting isolation and product setup parameters are covered in this manual.

Avoid costly service calls

Many service calls can be avoided by simply following the basic installation and operation setup requirements.  Overtime a metal detectors critical settings can ‘drift’ as a result of environmental changes, operator changes or product changes.  Following the steps in the Goring Kerr DSP2 Manual you can avoid costly service calls and loss production.

Common metal detector  installation problems

  • Changes to conveyor belt
  • Product changes
  • Temperature changes
  • Product speed
  • Product orientation

Download your Goring Kerr manual today!



Goring Kerr founded the industrial metal detector back in the early 1900's. Since then they have engineered a wide range of metal detectors used throughout the world. Well known for their food metal detectors Goring Kerr can be found in bakery, pharmaceutical, lumber, plastic, textile and grain applications. Through the years they have manufactured models including the DSP 3, DSP 2, DSP 1, Tek 21 and Tektamet to name a few. Still today you will find Goring Kerr metal detectors 40 years old operating and detecting metal as well as many of today's new machines.

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